Huzzah! Finally, I have uploaded all 26 of my Advent music videos to Vimeo. They are, and shall remain, ad-free!
Update regarding Videos
Due to YouTube’s recent change in their terms of service, ads can now appear on ANY YouTube video, regardless of whether the creator is eligible to monetize (which I am not).
So, I have begun posting my videos on Vimeo - just one so far, but it was pretty easy to do, so I will upload more soon. These videos will NEVER have ads, and once I have enough posted, I should be able to make playlists there as well, so stay tuned!
Full disclosure: when I first started posting my little music videos on YouTube back in December of 2013, anyone could monetize, so I tried to as well. However I quickly decided that the only ads I would choose to appear on my videos would be the little ones that would appear in the bottom part of the screen and which could be easily made to go away by clicking the little x. These ads had no sound or video, so they wouldn’t interfere with the viewer’s listening experience.
When YouTube, understandably, changed the thresholds for who could monetize, I was no longer able to do so because I met neither the subscriber numbers, nor the views/watch time, required.
However I decided that this was for the best, because people could continue to listen to my music on YouTube, via my videos, without ads.
Now, not only can YouTube put ads on any video, but creators such as myself have no agency when it comes to what type of ads - I can’t ask them to only use those little visual ads, or at the very least, skippable ads. And while YouTube is doing this gradually, there is just no way to know whether someone who is seeking a nice listening experience will be jarred out of it by a poorly-timed ad.
So, that is why I will be posting my music videos on Vimeo. They will still be up on YouTube, but I just really wanted people to continue to be able to view and listen ad/interruption -free, so I am working on that option.
Thanks for reading! Happy Advent!
Advent 2018 Progress Update!
Advent 2018 is complete!! Six (!) tracks arranged, recorded, processed, and submitted to Soundrop for distribution yesterday, along with album art, of course. From there it will go to Spotify, Amazon, iTunes/Apple Music, Google Play, Deezer, AND YouTube Music.
Meanwhile, OUR next step is to distribute it to Bandcamp, Jamendo, and Soundcloud.
Plus, work has begun on our annual simple YouTube music videos. This year there will of course be two extra videos, for our bonus tracks. The first one will be posted today, in fact!
Why, you ask? Because now, including Advent 2018 (even without the 2 bonus tracks), we have 24 Advent/Christmas tracks!
We decided to share an Advent video from our YouTube channel (from years past as well as this year) on our DeguMoth Studios Facebook page each day of December leading up to Christmas!
All videos will still be on YouTube. (We’ll also create a YouTube playlist for all of the videos as the month progresses, so people can follow along there as well).
Our 2 bonus tracks mean 2 extra videos, so one will be a “prelude” video, posted on the last day of November (today!), and the other will be posted on Christmas Day.
We hope people enjoy! :)
What do you do when...
What do you do when you can't find the sheet music for a very old Scottish melody? (You know, one of those melodies that's referenced in multiple old carol books but not notated because everyone knew it, right? Even though more than one melody with that general title exists....)
You listen to two different recordings of it (via YouTube) by two different artists (in two different keys, naturally) and you have staff paper and a pencil and your little ipad keyboard...and you start and stop and pause the recordings a lot as you write down both versions on the staff paper, one using symbols and one using letters. Really high tech, but it's done - I have that melody now. (Might check one more recording for reference sake.) It's been a journey trying to track it down!
In other words, work on Advent 2018 has started! In fact it started officially last month but mostly just research, planning, etc. This month some preliminary songwriting has begun.
This *might* be my last Advent EP, so I'm trying to get a head start on it, really give myself enough time to hopefully make every track how I want it AND actually release it a little earlier.
Do you realize this will be my SIXTH Advent EP? That's right - my first one, with the tracks originally only online as YouTube videos, was made in 2013! That's kinda crazy.
Anyway! Back to work!
(And thanks for reading! :) :) )
Recordings are finished!
Today, we finally finished recording our Advent 2017 tracks!
Track 2 was the last one that we needed to finish...and then illness struck, amidst an already busy time. But, we finally finished it today. Whew!
So, this is later than we would have wished, but all four tracks are officially recorded, and ready for the next step.
Next step: Beginning distribution! Let's all hope for a smooth process. We'd better get going!
What Month Is It??
Well! I suppose it's September 2017.
We are FINALLY updating this website - all current links should be good and some obsolete ones have been removed. This is the first step towards....I don't know, doing better at this side of things?
More updates to come and we DO hope to create another Advent EP this winter!
Meanwhile, we really appreciate the views we've been getting on our DeguMoth Studios Facebook Page - thanks for not giving up on us! We are working on time management. It is....not easy. But we're still trying :)
Happy Almost Autumn! :)
Advent 2016 Available on Most Platforms :)
Our Advent 2016 EP is available on Bandcamp, Jamendo, SoundCloud, iTunes/Apple, Google Play Music, Loudr, and Deezer. Hooray!
All of these platforms are just a click away on our Music Links page!
All four tracks of the EP are also on YouTube with simple videos we made - a link to that playlist is also on our links page.
We are still waiting for Advent 2016 to show up on Amazon and Spotify, but we're checking every day. As soon as we have those links, we'll post them with the rest.
Thanks for your support and patience! Merry Happy!
Advent 2016 Distribution in Progress!
We are making good progress with uploading our Advent 2016 EP. It is currently available on Bandcamp and Jamendo (see our Music Links section), but more platforms will soon be available.
Thanks for your patience!
Happy First Sunday of Advent!
Update on Advent 2016: All four tracks for our Advent 2016 EP have been recorded! We finished that stage of the project yesterday! We are now working on all the behind-the-scenes things so we can upload the EP to our various platforms soon. We are also happy that we were able to shoot, edit, and post our first Advent 2016 video on time so that it was published tonight. See the front page of this website to watch the video, or visit our DeguMoth Studios YouTube channel, and thanks for visiting!
Links are Live!
We have been working hard on our Advent 2016 EP, but we also took some time to create links to all of our music everywhere it is available online so that people could come to ONE place - this website! - and find everything we've created so far.
Our Music Links section holds all of those links, and our Contact + Social Media section includes our e-mail address and general Social Media links. We're so relieved to have this done!
Also, if any links are broken or not working correctly, please let us know at and, Thanks!!
Website In Progress!
We finally bit the bullet. It was way past time to make a website where we could gather all of our links, videos, info, etc. all in one place! This is definitely a learning process, so please be patient, and check back soon! Thanks!! :)